See What Show: 3:10 to Yuma, Waitress, and AVP 2


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See What Show, week of 24 Jan 2008. Cowboys, pies and aliens! We’ve got it all! Reviews of 3:10 to Yuma, Waitress, and AVP2.

Listen to specific reviews:
Part 1: 3:10 to Yuma

Part 2: Waitress

Part 3: AVP2

Discuss at our forum.

Show notes for week of 24 Jan 2008:
00:56 - What’s Showing This Week - One Missed Call, Vexille, American Gangster

03:59 - 3:10 to Yuma IMDB

12:32 - Waitress IMDB

22:13 - AVP 2 IMDB

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Wah lao, need to read so many books before watching the damn show.

I still think over the years action movies are not as nice they used to.

Alien and Aliens was great, so was Predator 1 & 2, but you put them together, they suck.

Most Vs movies suck, Freddy vs Jason, Underworld, so please do not make any more vs movies, why don’t they just make like predator 3, or just ask capcom to make the damn movie, the game was fun and had better story.

The whole avp thing kind of remind me of starcraft, except starcraft had better story, graphics, etc.

But what do I know, I am not so geek…

Dear mrbrown and Kai,

__About Aliens versus Predator 2 (Requiem)__

Fascinating discussion you had.
Would like to respond.

About reading all the comics and books:
I don’t see why any of us must, just to fall in love with these 2 lovable classes of horrid monsters.
There are other ways through the Internet.

Two shoulder cannons:
Our ‘cleaner’ Predator (Wolf) salvaged the 2nd gun from one of his dead comrades on board the crashed ship (see IMDB [Internet Movie Database] FAQ [’Why Predator without “-s”?’]), and not just because he was cool enough to use plurals.

Is Kai referring to the dying, lung-disease-ridden founder Charles Bishop Weyland (see Wikipedia about the first crossover movie )?
I also think that the later Bishop android ‘was made in the’ original human’s ‘image’, not the other way round.
My strongest memory of Weyland-Yutani, were from the signages years ago, in the arcade game Alien 3: The Gun by Sega; really unforgettable.

The hospital setting:
The pregnant mother scene is reminiscent of the mating in Species 2.

The skinning:
The IMDB FAQ explains this as a Predator ritual: old habits die hard, you know?
And any armed prey with a weapon is fair target in their rigid culture.

Portable nuke?
If you watched the previous movies, it does not even explode with mushroom cloud; possibly something more advanced?

‘The colonel guy in Predator 2′?
Kai, if you refer to the Arnold Schwarzenegger character, Major ‘Dutch’ Schaefer, that was in Predator. The 2nd Predator-only movie had this Danny Glover senior police detective, Lieutenant Harrigan.

‘Huge ships with captured Alien queen in the 1st movie’ –
Er, that Alien queen was at the bottom of that deep-underground ancient complex in Antarctica.

‘The PredAlien pumping seed’ :

Violence is what these movies are about:
Not just that for me.
What about human (and alien) courage and resourcefulness in the face of sure-die odds?
And that human nature is often the cause for disasters, and is therefore potentially darkest of all?

Only one Predator in clan hunts:
Not in Alien versus Predator: 3 hunters, the most experienced lasting longest.

Finally, thumbs up to Kai, mrbrown and team!