See What Show: 20 Centimeters, The Fountain, and The Bridge to Terabithia


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In this edition, 20cm gets in the way, we look for life in the Fountain and cross into another world! We review 20 Centimeters (20 centímetros), The Fountain, and The Bridge to Terabithia.

Listen to specific reviews:
Part 1: 20 Centimeters (20 centímetros)

Part 2: The Fountain

Part 3: The Bridge to Terabithia

Discuss at our forum.

Show Notes for Week of 2 May 2007:
00:45 - What’s Showing This Week - Spider-man 3, The Passion, 200 Pounds Beauty

03:43 - 20 Centimeters (20 centímetros) IMDB


09:09 - The Fountain IMDB

The Fountain

14:40 - The Bridge to Terabithia IMDB Disney


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No need new mic, MM always sounds good!

Erm…. Mr. Brown…you got your religious facts wrong leh… Adam & Eve were NOT allowed to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, not Tree of Life. They WERE feeding (sort of…) on the Tree of Life before God exiled them from the Garden of Eden.

Hello Bros.. Mr Brown. You have done some brave things and had survived the corrupted PAP. Well done Bros….

Hello mrbrown, just a comment here
on the Fountain, and not a forum post,
due to some specifically personal
content that follows.

About Tomas as a laughable
character name,I remember the hero
Tomas, humble son of ordinary Megar
and Magya, Prince Consort to
Elven Queen, (plain) human incarnation
of ancient Ashen-Shugar of the godly
Valheru Dragon Lords, from
Raymond E Feist’s successful
Riftwar novels.

And about brain cancer, it was no
laughing matter for us, hoping for
anything, anything, that could save
our mother from dying so soon, from
brain cancer last year (yes, even
monkey research).

And no, there was little angst or
pain either, as our beloved parent
died. No, she did not just faint,
but still declined quietly, in
whatever suffering we may never
really know.

My main point in commenting here,
is that what seems funny to some,
may not seem funny to those, who
have experienced the same things
more intimately, on another level.

Thanks for letting me point this out.

fynyx, I do not think mrbrown was laughing at brain cancer. I think he was laughing at the contrived way brain cancer was depicted in the movie.

Hi Davy (May 4, 2007 at 9:36 pm),

I accept what you say, that mrbrown
was not intending to be hurtfully

We personally realised how little we
actually know sometimes, about certain
things: we never expected brain cancer
could be so sudden, swift and
frightfully unstoppable.

Because our late mother was in great
health until almost 60, one of her
friends had even confidently declared
she would live for another 10 years,
and more!

“I guess the only fountain we want to go back to is the one in DotA.” - Steve